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In the news we see the images of hurt, anger, and death. Questions asking why is it so are all around. We see before us the death of people at the hands of another all around the world. It hits home in a more forceful way when we see children killing children. Some are quick to blame others. Some are quick to give a solution. Some say it is because people are sick. Some want to restrict this or that. The survivors are always ready to tell what should have been or needs to be done now. But, one sad factor in all the hurt is that mankind has learned to have a nature that values life as cheap and instant, in this "progressive society." We have been conditioned to accept anything as "alright" as long as we are happy and our needs, goals, desires are made full. Sadly we see that evil is good and desired in order to satisfy our self. Good becomes that which gets in the way of what we want and therefore it now becomes evil. The idea of a universal truth, standard or code of conduct becomes a restriction to reject. This role reversal or change in values is portrayed in many different parts of the human life and society. Why? Simply and yet not so simple, it is because we as humans have become lovers of self and not of our creator. We have rejected the very idea of God in one form or another. In so doing rejecting godly qualities of any kind. Without these qualities we are left with the imperfection and rejection of what is right or wrong based upon any standard including the Word of God. Even in the midst of this anger and hatred towards each other man can see the truth and receive hope. The first step is to recognize that living a life without truth, love and the Creator is nothing more than living unto death. All humanity must reject the path of anger and the lies of self-satisfaction. All of humanity must repent and turn to the light of truth and love. We have this truth and love revealed in what is called the BIBLE. Our choice is clear, turn from what we are doing to our neighbors and ourselves and turn to a common, eternal standard. Yet still, many will reject the very idea of a creator, love or even truth. In so doing many will seal their fate as death, destruction and despair. In all this we continue to ask, Why? We hear no answer because we had rejected the truth about ourselves and thus die in the lie. |
Reflections Home & Contact MY NOTEBOOK PAGE Notes On This and That A RESTORATION CHURCH OF CHRIST Church & Family Topics: Love Designed by God Guide Right - Guide Wrong Children What A Friend We Have Jesus And My Family Character Topics: Dealing With Guilt You Can Kick the Habit You are Someone Special Discipline Other Biblical Links: Know Truth Net Bible Study Children's Bible Gospel Advocate Bible Truths Site Map Index Bible Truths Archive Index History of the Restoration Movement BIBLE BAPTISM LINKS: by Bible Truths Scriptural Baptism for the Remission of Sins Above in PDF File Acts 2:38, an Analysis Above in PDF File Acts 22:16, an Examination Above in PDF File Baptism, How, Who, Why, and When? Above in PDF File
Today’s Proverb Listener's Bible Narrated by Max McLean
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