Welcome to
Abiding Word web site. My name is Edward E. Healy and I hope and pray
that all visitors to this web site will find it informative,
educational and encouraging. Over the years I have written and
gathered resources to help in my understanding of the scriptures,
“The Abiding Word of God”.
I am a semi-retired
minister of the Gospel having served in ministry as a Gospel
Preacher/Evangelist, Family Christian Counselor, Hospital Chaplain and
Foreign Missionary.
is my purpose to share and encourage people I come in contact with
to consider God our Heavenly Father, Jesus the Son of God and the
Holy Spirit.
I hold a Masters Degree in Christian
Counseling, a Bachelors Degree in Bible/Ministry, Certification as
Nouthetic Biblical Counselor, Clinical Pastoral Education
Certification as Hospital Chaplain, and over 45 years in ministry
including 15 plus years as Chaplain at Albany Memorial Hospital. Also in my early years I have an Associates Degree in
Management Engineering, training with work experience as
Electrical-Mechanical Machine Designer and self-employed experience
in residential electrical-mechanical installation. In my later
years I ran my own web design and computer service business called
Veren Services. I have now retired from this business and I
now devote my efforts towards volunteer community service and church
ministry. Perhaps
you could say I am a
"Jack of All Trades, Master of None".
Therefore, holy
brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the
Apostle and High Priest of our confession.
On each side of this
entry page are listed many links that contain a treasure of
resources for your study and understanding of God’s Word. These are
tools and aids to help stimulate your interest in searching the
scriptures. The most important note here is to keep all things you
read in
CONTEXT of the scriptures. Always go back to the scriptures
to confirm what is said is in accordance to the Word of God.
Also take note that
I have listed below a number of links for FREE downloads of Study
Guides and eBooks in PDF files. This material and all study notes
may be used freely for personal use and the study of God's word.
None of this material may be sold or used for financial gain. All
is presented for the glory of God and His son Jesus Christ.
As a minister of the
Gospel I encourage all readers and seekers of God’s Word to “speak
where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent” when
it comes to worshiping and following God. Consider the plea to
“Go back to the Bible” and "Let the Bible Speak" to restore the church of the first century.
Read our link
A Restoration Church of Christ.
Matthew 28:18-20
And Jesus came up
and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in
heaven and on earth. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and
the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. "
Mark 16:15-16
And He said to
them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all
creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved;
but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned."
With all the events and conflicts
that confront people today
I have placed featured videos & study guides below
that I hope will be
educational, edifying, encouraging
to draw our focus to God and praise Him in our daily walk.
Presented to
Glorify our Heavenly Father.
This material
and all study notes may be used
freely for personal use and the study of God's word.
None of this material may be sold or
used for financial gain.
All is presented for the glory of God
and His son Jesus Christ.
Sign Up Below for the latest issue of The Abiding
Word newsletter called “Reflections” in which I plan to share my
thoughts on how the Word of God has meaning and purpose in every
aspect of life today, just as it had in the past and as it will have
in the future. In the Word of God is the revealing of God’s Eternal
Purpose and Plan for His creation.
This newsletter is a weekly
publication sent via email as a PDF file to friends and all who
subscribe. Please share and send me your comments, questions, and
topic requests toEEHealy@veren.com.
The following
articles are a series of study notes, outlines and discussions on Biblical
The goal is to deal with and express Biblical Principles for Christian Growth.
Each topic is presented in a Adobe (pdf) format.
Click on the topic title to download and read.
This material and all study notes may be used freely for
personal use and the study of God's word.
None of this material may be sold or used for financial gain.
All is presented for the glory of God and His son Jesus
Special e-Book and Power Point Downloads
The Eternal Purpose and Plan of God
by Larry Deason
RIGHT CLICK ON FILE and Save to your computer:
Beginning with Item 10 will be a special study guide in (pdf)
Increasing In Knowledge ~ This series is in three books consisting of 17 lessons each.
Original material printed by the Southeast Church of Christ in Houston,
August 1976
Book One by Larry Deason
Book Two by O. F. (Dick) Case
Book Three by Bobby Deason
Permission for reprint given to Edward Healy in 2009 by Bobby Deason
This material and all study notes may be used freely for
personal use and the study of God's word. None of this material may be sold or used for financial gain.
All is presented for the glory of God and His son Jesus
Free! Free! Free!
All ten of the above books are now available in PDF format.
With adobe reader you may read them,
or you may download them to your computer and print part of or the
entire book.
May the Lord bless these books for your enrichment and spiritual
To Him be all the glory.
Bobby Deason Life Communications